EPD 250: Fan Mail Friday’s (05/15/2015)

Dear (CSW) Reviews Team,

How do I go about getting you guys to review a program from my company ?

Sent In By “Review Prognosis


How do I go about getting you guys to review a program from my company ?


Remy’s Reply: All you need to do is e-mail us at computer.savvy@hotmail.com with all the specifics. Name of program or program(s) a brief description of said program or program(s), time line of the review, if you have one. And if it is a paidware review then we need a reg key or keys depending on the program. We normally take anywhere from a week to a week and half to do a review depending on how complicated the program is.


Matt’s Reply: The simple way is to send us an email to computer.savvy@hotmail.com with all of the details, including the name of the program, a description about what that program can do, a timeline of when you’d like to see the review appear on our site, and a download link so that we can download it and test it out before reviewing it.

Also, if you want us to review a Paidware program, then we’ll also need registration key or keys depending on the program. Once we have the program, the registration keys and all of the details from you, then the review will take anywhere from one to two weeks to complete, depending on how complicated the program is.


So if you are keen and want all the latest (CSW) news, reviews and features. You can follow us via our main Twitter Page @ https://twitter.com/#!/Computer_Savvy or via Remy’s own personal Twitter Page https://twitter.com/#!/RemySe7en .

PS: Just a heads up to all our readership. He does indeed follow everyone back. If you follow him on his own personal Remy “Se7en” Twitter account.


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Till Next Friday,


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